There are now 16,100 images on the website and our Other Collections section is growing, with several new collections just published and others in the pipeline. We have also inherited many images from the late Brian Hall's estate and we are working hard scanning these with the aim of adding many of them to the existing Brian Hall collection.
Did you know that you can also View our Articles to read longer articles written by our volunteers on a range of historical subjects.
We are now operating without the benefit of Heritage Lottery Funding and welcome donations to enable us to continue scanning negatives and making them available on the website. Donations can be made directly to us or via JUSTGIVING
Or scan our Just Giving account QR Code
We WELCOME NEW VOLUNTEERS and have vacancies on our Wednesday and Thursday afternoon sessions. If you can spare a couple of hours why not contact us and arrange a visit to the archive. All that is needed are some basic computer skills and an interest in local history. PENDLE AND WEST CRAVEN images can be found in the Surrounding Districts pages and we would welcome volunteers from the Pendle area to digitise images and stories about this area as we have no volunteers working on this area at the moment.
We have produced a short history about the project which you can download.
Looking at this month's issue of the "Simonstone News" are, back row, from left to right, Stan Douthwaite, Manzoor Hussein, Jim Penny, Tom Maloney and Jim Tate. Front row, left to right, Mrs D. Railton, J. Perry, Mr Ward, Richard Hinton, A. Donaghue and F. Clarkson.
The local firm of Mullard Ltd. now boasts its own tabloid newspaper - "Simonstone News." Circulation is in excess of 2,500 copies and already material for this month's edition is flowing in at such a rate that the next edition has been doubled to eight pages. Interest in the project is now so great that copies of the paper have been sent abroad to Mullard factories in Barcelona and Eindhoven, where personnel have praised the content and layout of the new publication.
The backbone behind production is a 12-strong team of local correspondents appointed to cover the glass factory and the cathode ray tube sections.