Burnley Civic Trust Heritage Image Collection


£1000 Champ Gets His Winnings Off To Sing In France John retires after 42 years Violin Lessons Padiham Tables £300 for St. John's New hopes that time will tell Ex-Miner Takes To The Arts Bomb Presents Problem Pub Has Its Own Stable Of Drays Ordained priest at St Philip's Church Ordained priest at St Philip's Church Ordained priest at St Philip's Church Ordained priest at St Philip's Church Retires after 60 years Read Fund Raisers Never A Day Off For Illness Inn Collection Helps Blind Inn Collection Helps Blind The Diary Of A Midwife The Diary Of A Midwife Friends Tour for research Surprise for three society stalwarts A Padiham Youth Calls The Tune A Padiham Youth Calls The Tune They Aim To Teach Classical Guitar Playing They'll Each Get A Medallion Grunt Sacrifice Taste Union helps towards club's disco lights bid What Express Help is set to do Head Retires After 19 Years At School Public Health Inspector Retires Link With Past And Future Bringing Stability To The Job Carving Business Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (6 of 6) Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (5 of 6) Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (4 of 6) Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (3 of 6) Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (2 of 6) Zebedee's magic rounds off fair (1 of 6) A continental choice from new chef Fun Day future in doubt. Fun run aids disabled Fun run aids disabled Fun run aids disabled Street star Vera bowls em over at this gala Street star Vera bowls em over at this gala Street star Vera bowls em over at this gala Chance Of TV Spot For Local Group Church Members Meet Curate