In November 2017 an Our Heritage Grant application was made to the Heritage Lottery Fund with the aim of digitising the images and their stories and making them available on a dedicated website. Approval was granted in October 2018.
Work began to acquire equipment, development of the website, recruit and train volunteers and digitise images and this website was launched in January 2019 with 100 images online. The Heritage Lottery project runs for two years with the aim of making available 2,000 images by October 2020 and focus' on the central area of Burnley within a mile radius of The Merestone at the bottom of Manchester Road.
Beyond the lottery project we aim to continue digitising images and their stories broadening out to the whole of Burnley and the surrounding districts and to other archive images that we have received since starting the project.
The images cover every aspect of life found in a local newspaper. Alongside the image you will find the story behind the image as reported in the newspaper. Some longer articles have been edited to give the main facts and will normally say that more information is available.
Some of the images received did not have any details. Our volunteers may have added some information, if known, and we would welcome users' comments about the description of the photograph.